What to Expect

Vehicle Dropoff

If you have been in an accident or your vehicle has been damaged and you need a repair – no problem! Come by and we will give you an estimate. You can call Steve at 614-361-3658 or Carlos at 614-373-8710. We will be happy to help!

Bumper Repair

After your vehicle is evaluated by one of our owners, Steve or Carlos Tecante, we will move forward to order the required parts, dis-assemble, repair the damage and re-assemble.

Painting and Polishing

Once the body work or bumper repair is complete, we will  paint and polish using WASCO products to get the best results.


We then start putting each part back. This could include the lamps, air conditioning, grills, doors, trims and other parts involved in your repair.

Vehicle Ready

As soon as the repair is complete, you will receive a call from one of us – Steve or Carlos. We will then inspect the whole car with you and have you on your way.